ZINPHOSCON 500 TP is formulated for zinc phosphate conversion coatings on metal surfaces by thermal dip process.
ZINPHOSCON 525 NTP is formulated for zinc phosphate conversion coatings on metal surfaces by non-thermal (at room temp.) dip process.
ZINPHOSCON 550 SP is formulated for zinc phosphate conversion coatings on metal surfaces by spray process.
phosphate conversion coatings by zinphoscon 500 tp/525 ntp/550 sp are widely used in the manufacture of metal surfaces for following principal merits:
fill the tank upto 2/3 of operating level with water and switch on the heaters. when the temp is about 60 degree add about 5 lit. of zinphoscon 500 tp in the bath per 100 lit. of bath capacity. fill the tank upto the operating level with water.
the freshly made-up bath tends to produce coarce and uneven coatings on the first few loads of work processed. to overcome this, it is adviseable to awaken (also called break-in the bath) the bath with dummy pieces (about 50 sq. ft. of surface area) of scrap. now the bath is matured and ready for use.
add about 20 gms of proacceler 600 zpc per 100 lit. of bath. test by inserting starch iodide paper. appearing of blue colour confirms sufficient added amount.
if starch iodide paper remains white it shows insufficient quantity of proacceler 600 zpc in the bath
black and dark blue colour of starch iodide paper denotes excess of accelerator/ toner in the bath.
pipette 10 ml. of bath soln. in a conical flask. add 5 to 8 drops of phenolphathalein indicator to it and titrate against n/10 naoh until pink colour appears. the burrete reading of ml. of naoh used denotes the pointage of the bath.
add about 150 ml of zinphoscon 500 tp per 100 lit bath capacities for each point below required pointage.
sludge is formed in the bath in due course of operation and should be removed periodically by means of a hoe or any other suitable means.
the loss in pointage should be repleished in proportion of150 ml. of zinphoscon 500 tp for each point below required pointage.
the bath tank should be fabricated with 3 to 5 mm thick ms plates with continuous convection current heating system.
phosphate coating alone do not protect from rusting for long and requires sealing with paint immediately after phosphating for proper protection.